Luke Dando

Analyst Developer

Luke is a skilled virtual reality software developer specialising in creating immersive training applications using Unity and Unreal Engine. With a diverse portfolio spanning various industries, including medical and construction.

Passionate about technology, Luke is always at the forefront of innovation in the VR space. He possesses a deep curiosity for emerging technologies and actively seeks opportunities to explore and implement them in his work. One example is his experience working with VR haptic gloves, which has allowed him to enhance user interactions and create more immersive experiences.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Luke leads a fulfilling personal life. He is a devoted dog owner, finding solace in walking his two adorable sausage dogs, who accompany him on his daily adventures. In his downtime, Luke indulges in his love for video games and eagerly immerses himself in captivating TV shows, particularly those within the sci-fi genre.

When not engrossed in virtual worlds or entertainment media, Luke seeks the exhilaration of water sports. He relishes the thrill of water skiing and the serenity of scuba diving, finding solace in the depths beneath the surface. These activities not only rejuvenate him but also inspire him to think creatively and approach problem-solving from a different perspective.

Check out Luke’s latest work