Improving Upon a Manual Process

Instructor Guru provide analysis and feedback of technique on user submitted sports and fitness videos. They specialise in skiing, snowboarding, running and yoga. Once a user uploads a video of them engaging in an activity Instructor Guru’s experts identify the key to progression and provide video analysis, explaining what the client should work on, and why. They also suggest specific exercises or tactics to correct or improve performance.

Video analysis for yoga poses takes between 24 and 48 hours to complete and send back to the client. This leaves people waiting for feedback, often engaging in the same activity in the meantime before receiving that feedback.

Instantaneous Feedback Through Artificial Intelligence

Instructor Guru approached CEMET to develop an artificial intelligence which would detect yoga poses and offer the user feedback on how to improve, cutting the wait on receiving analysis down to seconds. CEMET developed an AI algorithm that detects position of a person's joints across three different yoga poses, downward facing dog, high lunge and plank. These positions are then compared to their expected positions and provides feedback on what the user is doing correctly and where they are going wrong.


Development Team


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Protect 2020

